
The Retirement tab tracks the performance and change in your Retirement accounts over time. This can be your Super, Pension, 401k, IRA or any other type of retirement balance.

Manual User Cells: • Retirement account names and balances • Market Gain values (see note) [Optional] • Voluntary Contribution amount [Optional] • Retirement Setting for pre-mixed options (ie. High Growth, 100% equities etc) [Optional]

To start tracking your Retirement balance, simply enter the balance of your accounts in the "Retirement Balance" table in the top left. Only cells that are yellow should be modified. Before you record your month, make sure to keep these balances up to date.

Market Gains is a metric provided by some retirement funds. It is the gain made on your contributions by the market, after fees. This is helpful to know to understand how well your retirement fund is performing.

Voluntary Contributions refers to contributions that you have voluntarily scarified out of your ordinary pay (note this is not your standard and compulsory contribution to your retirement fund). This pay will therefore be included in your overall savings rate as it would otherwise have been deposited into your bank as your pay.

Salary Sacrificing & Voluntary Contributions

To aid in tracking voluntary contributions and having these count towards your savings rate, you can enter in the amount that you voluntarily contribute to your retirement fund each month. Please note this is separate from mandatory contributions from your employer.

Please note this must be in a equivalent AFTER-TAX amount. ie. what amount would be in your bank account if you didn't voluntarily contribute this money.

For example: - You salary scarified $1200 pre-tax into your retirement fund. - Your retirement fund receives $1000 because of a reduced tax rate. - If this was paid to your bank instead, it would be $800.

You would enter in $800 into the yellow cell. To work this amount out, you can use a prior pay check or various online pay calculators to work out what this amount would be. Roughly, it is your salary sacrificed amount (ie. $1200) multiplied by your tax rate.

NOTE: Make sure these Voluntary contribution amounts are included in your Net Salary in the SheetOptions sheet.

Using Managed Funds & Investments in your Retirement Balance

As of v2.11 the Sheet has support for using Managed Funds, Stocks & ETFs as balances for your retirement funds. These will automatically be excluded from the Total Value and Total Gain figures in the MF, Stocks & ETF tabs, but will instead show in the Retirement tab.

To mark an investment as retirement balance, simply set the Sector in the Investment Fund tab to Retirement as below.

If in your retirement tab you do not have the Managed Fund/ETF entries, it is likely that this feature was not included in your Sheet region. Feel free to copy these Retirement tab formulas in the Retirement tab from the EU & UK Sheets if so.

NOTE: Funds marked for retirement will be excluded from all gains & allocation figures in their respective tabs. This is to keep personal and retirement metrics seperate.

What if I invest in a fund for both Personal and Retirement Purposes?

If you are investing in a fund for both personal & retirement investment purposes it is recommended that you use 2 different ticker codes from different sources (ie. MorningStar, Yahoo or that correspond to the same fund. Each ticker is used for a different investing purpose.

ie. for Vanguard FTSE Global All Cap Index Fund GBP Acc: - Retirement Investments use Yahoo Finance code 0P00018XAR.L - Personal investments use code GB00BD3RZ582:GBP

Use the ticker corresponding to the purpose of your purchase in the Purchase History table.

Last updated