How to find an Asset Ticker
This sheet supports live pricing from Google, MorningStar, and Yahoo Finance. Depending on where your asset is listed, use the corresponding pricing provider.
Google Finance (ETFs, Stocks only)
1. Google your Fund Name with the following search: "AssetNameHere Share Price"
2. Copy the ID as per below into the Sheet:
MorningStar - UK Funds
1. Google your Fund Name with the following search: "MorningStar FundNameHere"
2. Copy the ID in the URL of the page as per below into the Sheet:
MorningStar - Australian Funds
1. Google your Fund Name with the following search: "MorningStar FundNameHere"
2. Copy the ID in the URL of the page as per below into the Sheet:
3. Convert the ID to a native MorningStar ID using this tool here. Funds
1. Google your Fund Name with the following search: " FundNameHere"
2. Copy the ID in the URL of the page as per below into the Sheet:
Yahoo Funds
1. Google your Fund Name with the following search: "Yahoo Finance FundNameHere"
2. Copy the ID in the URL of the page as per below into the Sheet
Last updated