Managed Funds
The Managed Fund tab tracks your investments live prices and performance of your holdings.
Last updated
The Managed Fund tab tracks your investments live prices and performance of your holdings.
Last updated
The Managed Fund tab helps track your investments and show you a variety of insights into their performance. At the top of the tab you have the Watch table, which holds information about your investments (both those you've invested in and also haven't invested in but are following).
The Purchase History table contains a list of all your purchases to date. Based on these exact prices and dates the Sheet automatically creates a variety of performance statistics.
To start tracking a fund that you own or have an interest in, simply start from left to right and fill out a new row.
This refers to the ID of the fund, and this is based on either the Bloomberg, MorningStar, Yahoo Finance or ID. As different funds are tracked on different websites, you will have to find which of these sources tracks your fund and determine that ID. You can find your fund ticker using the instructions here.
Fund Name
This is a plain nickname of the holding for your reference.
This is the price that the holding is based in. For example if you have a AUD based sheet and own an American fund, you would enter USD as the currency. The Live Price will then display the local converted price for this asset.
Target Allocation
For those who like to apply allocations to their portfolios to always keep all their holdings in a target balance, this is where you would set that allocation.
This is a place to put the management fee for a holding. This is purely cosmetic and to help you have an overview of fees in your funds.
This is a cosmetic field to help ensure you're regionally diversified. This populates the graphs on the right side of the tab.
Region %
This is a cosmetic field to help ensure you're regionally diversified. This populates the graphs on the right side of the tab.
This is a cosmetic field to help ensure you're diversified across various sectors. This populates the graphs on the right side of the tab.
If you are unsure of your Fund ID, please see these instruction on finding your Fund ID here.
Every time you buy or sell a parcel in your Managed Fund, you need to update the Purchase History table.
This is a ticker matching the holding in the Watch table.
Purchase Date
The date of purchase.
The amount of units moved. This is a positive number when purchasing, negative number when selling.
Bought Price
This is the price you purchased/sold at in your local base currency.
IMPORTANT: For the Funds that you still own (ie. have a positive balance for) and have a purchase history for these must be in the Watch table.
Automatic price lookups - for v2.14 and above:
As of v2.14, automatic price lookup support was added including with support for assets in a different currency. Please note caveats to this:
The asset must be in the watch table with the currency value correctly set
To avoid using too much Google allowance, only 50 transactions at a time will be looked up. Once a value has been looked up, replace the formula with a hardcoded value to free up slots for other transactions to be looked up.
This process will be performed automatically when you open your sheet each time.
These looked up values will only be an estimate. Ticker prices fluctuate throughout the day, the value returned will only be the average value from the day, and thus will not be accurate.
This is the same for currency fluctuations throughout the day. An averaged value will be used.
For more accurate gain and CGT estimates, it's best to put in your exact price if available.
Support is limited to tickers priced via Google Finance
Please see the FAQ on this here.
In the v2 version, the Sheet has support for including international funds and converting these live into your local currency. These assets are then included in your net worth with the current days exchange rate.
To enter an international asset into the Sheet, it must first go into the Watch table. As a first step, enter the assets ID (column A) and name (column B). Lastly, enter the currency for the asset based on where it is priced (ie. USD for the NYSE - New York Stock Exchange) into column C. Please confirm the currency on the website where you sourced the Managed Fund ID from.
As you can see in the watch table screenshot, the Live Price column will now display the current price in your local currency. If you take MGE0001AU.AX as an example in the screenshots, the current price is $1.97 AUD, but the Sheet has display a converted value of £1.05 GBP in the Live Price column.
Entering in the purchase history of an international is much the same as as a local asset. The only distinction is the Order Price column. The order price must be pre-converted upon entering.
For example: You have the UK Sheet (GBP Currency) and purchased 10 units of FXAIX for $153USD/unit. You would then enter £111.42 in the Order Price column.
Automatic price lookups - for v2.14 and above:
In a recent update, automatic price lookup support was added including with support for assets in a different currency. Please note caveats to this:
The asset must be in the watch table with the currency value correctly set
To avoid using too much Google allowance, only 50 transactions at a time will be looked up. Once a value has been looked up, replace the formula with a hardcoded value to free up slots for other transactions to be looked up.
This process will be performed automatically when you open your sheet each time.
These looked up values will only be an estimate. Ticker and currency prices fluctuate throughout the day, the value returned will only be the average value from the day, and thus will not be accurate.
This is the same for currency fluctuations throughout the day. An averaged value will be used.
For more accurate gain and CGT estimates, it's best to put in your exact price if available.
Managed Fund support is limited to funds priced via Google Finance
For purchases made in the past where you need to lookup the exchange rate, you can use these resources:
In a future version of the Sheet support is being added to automatically convert past transactions.
If you would like to expand the watch table, please follow the instructions below:
Step 1 - Right click on a row that contains a yellow holding.
Step 2 - Click Insert 1 above.
Step 3 - A new row should have been created but it will be empty of all formulas. To fill it with the correct formulas, right click on the row you clicked on in Step 1 and click on Copy.
Step 4 - Click on the empty row you created in Step 2, right click and click on paste.
This should expand the table and fill the new row with all the required formulas. Please repeat this as often as is needed.
In the Managed Funds tab please enter the following details:
Spaceship Voyager Universe:
Fund Name (Important) - Spaceship Voyager Universe
Spaceship Voyager Origin:
Fund Name (Important) - Spaceship Voyager Origin
Spaceship Voyager Earth:
Fund Name (Important) - Spaceship Voyager Earth
Spaceship Voyager Galaxy:
Fund Name (Important) - Spaceship Voyager Galaxy
Spaceship Voyager Explorer:
Fund Name (Important) - Spaceship Voyager Explorer
Purchase History - Enter in your itemized Purchase History, or if you have a large amount of purchases you can enter in a single purchase that you regularly update the quantity. Please note if you batch into a single purchase this will make any performance/gain figures inaccurate. Please note prices are only updated every 24hrs.
For other Microinvestment Platforms you have 2 options:
Other Assets Tab (Easiest) - This Will Mean Your Investments Will Be Recorded In Your Net Worth, You Will Just Have To Update The Balance Before Recording Your Month.
Managed Funds Tab - Enter Your Platform As A Managed Fund And Manually Update The Live Price As Needed (Ignore Any Warnings). Enter In The Purchase History As Provided By Your Platform.